"VLASS3.2-QL-20240809" progressive survey

This Web resource contains HiPS(*) components for VLASS3.2-QL-20240809 progressive survey.
  • Label: VLASS3.2-QL-20240809
  • Type: HiPS image
  • Best pixel angular resolution: 805.2mas
  • Max tile order: 9 (NSIDE=512)
  • Available encoding tiles: png fits
  • Tile size: 512x512
  • FITS tile BITPIX: -32
  • Processing date: 2024-08-14
  • HiPS builder: Aladin/HipsGen v11.024
  • Coordinate frame: equatorial
  • Sky area: 29.624% of sky => 12221 deg^2
  • Associated coverage map: MOC
  • Original data access template: metadata.xml
  • Raw property file: properties
  • Base URL:

This survey can be displayed by Aladin Lite (see above), by Aladin Desktop client (just open the base URL) or any other HiPS aware clients.

(*) The HiPS technology allows a dedicated client to access an astronomical survey at any location and at any scale. HiPS is based on HEALPix sky tessellation and it is designed for astronomical scientifical usages (low distorsion, true pixel values....) HiPS technical documentation is available here
Modified on Wednesday, 14-Aug-2024 14:25:51 MDT